SC 4.1 Emerging Positioning Technologies and GNSS Augmentation
Chair: Heidi Kuusniemi (Finland)
SC 4.2 Multi-frequency Multi-constellation GNSS
Chair: Jianghui Geng (China)
SC 4.3 Atmosphere Remote Sensing
Chair: Ningbo Wang (China)
SC 4.4 Engineering Geodesy
Chair: Janis Kaminskis (Latvia)
Working Groups
WG 4.1.1 Integrity Monitoring of Collaborative Positioning
Chair: Liang Li (China)
WG 4.1.2 Upcoming GNSS services for accuracy, reliability and resilience
Chair: Paolo Zoccarato (Italy)
WG 4.1.3 LEO-PNT Systems
Chair: Fabricio S. Prol (Finland)
WG 4.1.4 Low-Cost GNSS receiver systems
Chair: Dinesh Manandhar (Japan)
WG 4.1.5 Wireless positioning with terrestrial instruments
Chair: Andrea Masiero (Italy)
WG 4.1.6 Smart Wearable Positioning
Chair: You Li (China)
WG 4.2.1 Precise GNSS time and frequency transfer
Chair: Jiang Guo (Belgium)
WG 4.2.2 Advances and unification of PPP-AR
Chair: Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner (Austria)
WG 4.2.3 Mass-market high-precision GNSS and applications
Chair: Guangcai Li (China)
WG 4.2.4 Quality Control and Integrity Monitoring of Precise Positioning
Chair: Krzysztof Nowel (Poland)
WG 4.2.5 Multi-GNSS for Natural Hazards and Disaster Resiliency
Chair: Xiaoming Wang (China)
WG 4.3.2 Ionospheric state predictions and early warnings for space weather services
Chair: Murat Durmaz (Türkiye)
WG 4.3.3 Analysis and prediction of ionospheric scintillations
Chair: Dmytro Vasylyev (Germany)
WG 4.3.4 Indices for characterizing ionospheric perturbations
Chair: Grzegorz Nykiel (Poland)
WG 4.3.5 Ionosphere and space weather monitoring using ground and spaceborne GNSS
Chair: Zhe (Jenny) Yang (China)
WG 4.3.8 Troposphere Modeling and Monitoring
Chair: Cuixian Lu (China)
WG 4.3.9 Observing convective and volcanic clouds with geodetic remote sensingtechniques
Chair: Hugues Brenot (Belgium)
WG 4.3.10 Remote sensing using GNSS reflected signals
Chair: Milad Asgarimehr (Germany)
WG 4.4.1 Novel GNSS applications in engineering geodesy
Chair: Junbo Shi (China)
WG 4.4.2 InSAR engineering geodesy for infrastructure health monitoring
Chair: Liming Jiang (China)
WG 4.4.3 Multisensor Displacement and Deformation Monitoring
Chair: Maya Ilieva (Bulgaria)
WG 4.4.4: TLS and LiDAR Scanning for Building Information Modelling (BIM) Services
Chair: Janina Zaczek-Peplinska (Poland)
Joint Working Groups
JWG 4.3.1 Real-time ionosphere monitoring and modeling (joint with IGS and GGOS)
Chair: Zishen Li (China)
JWG 4.3.6 Validation of ionospheric models for positioning applications (joint with IGS)
Chair: Anna Krypiak-Gregorczyk (Poland)
JWG 4.3.7 Machine learning for the atmosphere(joint with GGOS)
Chair: Yury Yasyukevich (Russia)
Joint Study Groups
JSG 4.1.7 Evaluating the Potential of Next Generation Quantum Sensors for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) (joint with QuGe and FIG)
Chair: Ryan Keenan (Australia